
Thursday, October 6, 2011

C.D.A. first week... A new start

Bye bye 3d on Maya, bye bye AfterFx, bye bye render bugs.... here is my new configuration: sketchbook and tablet.
After 2 years of metallurgic industry, moving to graphic design, switching to 3D, motion capture and advertising, now time as come to be a painter/designer and before all a traveler.
First week at C.D.A. was an refreshing, instructive and heavy in homework and let me aware of one thing: I dont know anything at all :-p
David Colman said something that can be the conclusion of the first week lessons,
"Drawing is more thinking than actual drawing", its not about drawing skills but more about observation...
So think simple (simple shapes simple volumes, simple means to push design) your homework !!!


  1. Hey Fred, Nice to see what you choose to do. I'm changed my carrear like you, from after effects, 3d, etc to drawings and paintings! It's very nice to see you here studying with Fowkes and others! Your work is awesome, thanks show me the CDA. Do you have email or something? I'd like to talk with you about living in LA. Thanks man!
